
Maria's Coaching & Physician Wellness Blogs​

Blog articles about coaching and physician wellness.

Tips and Strategies to Demonstrate CanMEDS Competencies

These blog articles on coaching and physician wellness will help demystify the myths and facts about CVs, personal letters, and interviews that you need to create for your CaRMS application. 

Since the Canadian Residency Match process is quite stressful and daunting, I include topics on self-care and physician wellness to help you manage your mental health with science-based strategies.

Is there something you need demystified?

If you have suggestions about what I should write about, why not send me an email?

I’d love to hear your thoughts and perspectives.

And, if there is anything I can do to help you understand Canadian culture better, I am happy to do that, too!

Man with fingers on his temples with man climbing out of his head.
Self-care & Resilience

How to Get Out of Your Head

Get out of your head and reconnect with your body. Discover science-based suggestions that you can start using today with the free ebook.

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